Competitive Programming 3 – CS490-CP3/Fall2019
- Medium NAQ (Ended)
- All about that base
- Big Truck
- Bobby's Bet
- Canonical Coin Systems
- Flip Five
- GlitchBot
- Greeting Card
- Imperfect GPS
- Narrow Art Gallery
- Torn To Pieces
- Geometry ECNA (Ended)
- Abstract Art
- Bubbly Troubly
- Association for Convex Main Office
- Craters
- Pizza Cutting
- Point in Polygon
- Being Solarly Systematic
- Trick Shot
- Geometry NAQ (Ended)
- Arcade!
- Biggest Slice
- Birthday Cake
- Fruit Slicer
- Pesky Mosquitoes
- Suspension Bridges
- Triangular Clouds
- Umbral Decoding
- UnDetected
- Unusual Darts
- Yikes - Bikes!
- Geometry Other (Ended)
- Harder NAQ (Ended)
- Bingo Ties
- Color Walk
- Dots and Boxes
- Island Buses
- Monitoring Ski Paths
- Peg Game for Two
- Primonimo
- Shotcube
- Superdoku
- Medium ECNA (Ended)
- Difference
- A Question of Ingestion
- Lost in Translation
- Keeping On Track
- Pear-wise Voting
- That's One Hanoi-ed Teacher
- Vin Diagrams
- Waif Until Dark
- Watch Where You Step
- Workout for a Dumbbell
- New Testing (Ended)
- Other ECNA (Ended)
- Car Vet
- Delete This!
- Is-A? Has-A? Who Knowz-A?
- KenKen You Do It?
- The Punctilious Cruciverbalist
- A Random Problem
- Removal Game
- Sequential Yahtzee
- Tours de Sales Force
- Transportation Delegation
- Tray Bien
- Twenty Four, Again
- PC2 Problems (Ended)