Problem C
Is-A? Has-A? Who Knowz-A?
Two familiar concepts in object oriented programming are the is-a and has-a relationships. Given two classes A and B, we say that A is-a B if A is a subclass of B; we say A has-a B if one of the fields of A is of type B. For example, we could imagine an object-oriented language (call it ICPC++) with code like that in Figure 1, where the class Day is-a Time, the class Appointment is both a DateBook and a Reminder, and class Appointment has-a Day.
class Day extends Time class Appointment extends Datebook, Reminder { { ... private Day date; } ... }
These two relationships are transitive. For example if A is-a B and B is-a C then it follows that A is-a C. This holds as well if we change all the is-a’s in the last sentence to has-a’s. It also works with combinations of is-a’s and has-a’s: in the example above, Appointment has-a Time, since it has-a Day and Day is-a Time. Similarly, if class DateBook has-a Year then Appointment has-a Year, since Appointment is-a DateBook.
In this problem you will be given a set of is-a and has-a relationships and a set of queries of the form A is/has-a B. You must determine if each query is true or false.
Input starts with two integers
For each query, display the query number (starting at one) and whether the query is true or false.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
5 5 Day is-a Time Appointment is-a Datebook Appointment is-a Reminder Appointment has-a Day Datebook has-a Year Day is-a Time Time is-a Day Appointment has-a Time Appointment has-a Year Day is-a Day |
Query 1: true Query 2: false Query 3: true Query 4: true Query 5: true |