Competitive Programming 2 – CS311-CP2/2023-Fall
- Flip Five
- Checkmate in One
- Smallest Multiple
- The Sound of Silence
- Interval Cover
- Stol
- Movie Collection
- Worst Weather Ever
- Surveillance
- Intersecting Rectangles
- Antimatter Rain
- Toll
- Birthday Cake
- Largest Triangle
- Covered Walkway
- Remoteland
- Chinese Remainder
- Debugging
- Hopscotch
- King's Colors
- Encoded Coordinates
- Boxes
- Keeping On Track
- Rooted Subtrees
- Apple Market
- Dots and Boxes
- Amazing Adventures
- Clock Pictures
- Message
- Terraced fields
- Tic Tac Toe Counting
- Macarons
- Circular Caramel Cookie
- Typo
- Sumdoku
- Topic 0: Introduction, Simulation and Ad Hoc (Ended)
- Topic 1: Scan Line: Discretization, Monotonic Stack/Queue (Ended)
- Topic 2: Range Query: RMQ and Fenwick Tree (Ended)
- Topic 3: Range Query: Segment Tree and Lazy Update (Ended)
- Topic 4: Geometry: Basics, Convex Hull, Convex Optimization (Ended)
- Topic 5: Number Theory: Prime Numbers, GCD, exGCD (Ended)
- Topic 6: Combinatorics: Counting, Inclusion-Exclusion, Linear Recurrence (Ended)
- Topic 7: Tree: LCA, DP, DFS Order (Ended)
- Topic 8: Graph: Matching, Network Flow (Ended)
- Topic 9: String: Hash, KMP, AC Automata (Ended)
- Topic 10: String: DP, Bitmasking, Plugging (Ended)
- Topic 11: Random Problem Solving (Ended)
- Topic 11: Random Problem Solving (Upsolve) (Ended)
- Bonus Contest! (Ended)
Ethan Dickey | Teacher |
Zhongtang Luo | Teacher |
Egor Gagushin | Teaching Assistant |
Otavio Sartorelli de Toledo Piza | Teaching Assistant |