Competitive Programming I – CS211-CP1/2022-Fall
- Topic 0: Introduction and Misc (Ended)
- Topic 1: Useful Data Structures and Complete Search (Ended)
- Topic 2: Greedy (Ended)
- Topic 3: Divide and Conquer (Ended)
- Topic 4: Bisection/BSTA (Ended)
- Topic 5: Intro to Dynamic Programming (Ended)
- Topic 6: DP Applications and 2 Pointer Technique (Ended)
- Topic 7: DP2 (Ended)
- Topic 8: Graphs 1: Review, DFS/BFS, CC/SCC (Ended)
- Topic 9: Graphs 2: Floodfill and Topological Sort Intro (Ended)
- Topic 10: Graphs 3: Shortest Paths (Ended)
- Bonus Contest! (Ended)
Ethan Dickey | Teacher |
Ninghui Li | Teacher |
Devin Qu | Teaching Assistant |
Minh Nguyen | Teaching Assistant |
Nghia Hoang | Teaching Assistant |
Otavio Sartorelli de Toledo Piza | Teaching Assistant |
Owen Eckart | Teaching Assistant |
Yuzhe Liu | Teaching Assistant |