
Problem Q
Fenwick Tree

A Fenwick Tree (also known as a Binary Indexed Tree) is a data structure on an array which enables fast ($O(\log n)$) updates and prefix sum queries on the underlying data.

For this problem, implement a Fenwick Tree to support operations of two types: (a) increment an element in the array or (b) query the prefix sum of a portion of the array.


The first line of input contains two integers $N$, $Q$, where $1 \le N \le 5\, 000\, 000$ is the length of the array and $0 \le Q \le 5\, 000\, 000$ is the number of operations. Then follow $Q$ lines giving the operations. There are two types of operations:

  • + $i$ $\delta $” indicates that $a[i]$ is incremented by $\delta $, where $0 \le i < N$ and $-10^9 \le \delta \le 10^9$ (both are integers)

  • ? $i$” is a query for the value of $a[0] + a[1] + \ldots + a[i-1]$, where $0 \le i \le N$ (for $i = 0$ this is interpreted as an empty sum)

You should assume that every array entry is initially $0$.


For each query in the input, output one line giving the answer to that query.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
10 4
+ 7 23
? 8
+ 3 17
? 8
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
5 4
+ 0 -43
+ 4 1
? 0
? 5

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